Pseudo-random distribution (PRD) refers to the mechanics of how certain probability-based items work. For each instance which could trigger the effect but doesn’t, PRD augments the probability of the effect happening for the next instance. The initial probability is quite low. The important gameplay and balance effect of PRD is that effects based on it rarely occur many times in a row, or go a long time without happening.
Even if anything listed as having a 100% chance will always work (relevant for Poor Man’s Shield), there is one important exception to note. Due to the Warcraft III engine, PRD for items that use it and are listed as having a greater than 25% chance to proc, actually have a lower probability.
Для тех, кто не понимает английский:
Сами тесты:
Базовый шанс крита 25%
Удар(1...8) - номер удара после нанесения крит урона
Удач - количество критов
Фейлов - количество несработавших критов = простой удар
Шанс - 0,089=8,9%
Имеются погрешности из за малого количества попыток.
Работает на всех стандартных способностях с вероятностями - блок урона, увороты, криты, баш, сокрушение.
Инфа взята отсюда :
Тестил сам.